What’s this all about?

I'm a full stack software engineer at a fast growing startup and I'm also a self-taught programmer. I love understanding/troubleshooting complex systems, and solving interesting problems. I have a house full of kids, an awesome wife (and some animals that are OK) so there's never a dull moment.

I'm constantly thinking of ways to improve, and grow particularly related to learning to code, solving problems with technology, tech tips and tricks, career growth, and personal growth. So I figured why not share these thoughts here as something of a public tech journal of mine. I'm passionate about all things technology and I enjoy writing so why not join to the two together? Subscribe if you're interested

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"Tech made easy", exploring topics around technology in general, programming, learning to code, career growth, learning new technologies, tips and tricks, personal growth


Full stack software engineer at FAANG | self-taught programmer | husband | father | love understanding/troubleshooting complex systems | problem solver